Are you in need of funds to finance your child's college education? Have you been hunting for days for a kind hearted lender who can provide your child with the quick student loans he needs to enter college? Are you currently holding a bad credit record with lenders? I have four words for you - You Are Not Alone! I meant to say this to encourage you. Many parents are feeling the same way as you do. Parents always want the best for their child and this include a good education. Good thing even with bad credit you can get the student financial aid loans you need to fund your college education.
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What are student loans and why do parents and students resolve to this kind of loans?
A student loan or student financial aid loans are primarily intended to assist students pay for university tuition, books, and living expenditures. It varies from other types of loans. Generally, the interest rate is notably lower and the repayment schedule is postponed while the student is still enrolled in school. With that said, student loans are indeed beneficial for many students.
How to get student financial aid even with bad credit:
True enough, no one wants to lend money to a person with bad credit record. Nevertheless this trend is changing at the moment and lenders have started providing loans to people even with bad credit history.
Even if your credit is bad your child can afford going to go to college. Federal Stafford Loans, Perkins Loans, other non-credit based government loans thankfully are available to help student acquire the loans they need to enter college even with bad credit record.
Federal Stafford Loans
The federal Stafford Loan has two types: subsidized and unsubsidized. These two does not require the borrower to have the perfect credit record. It is true that it doesn't matter how clean or dirty your credit record is. For this reason, many students go for this financial solution.
The difference between subsidized and unsubsidized Stafford Loan is that the former is awarded to financially needy students. If the students were able to qualify, the federal government is the one responsible for paying the interest due periodically while the student is in school and for the six month allowance between graduation and repayment. At any case, the latter, is in fact accessible to all students. The main dilemma here is when the student depend on this loan solely. Since they depend on it solely, students in the long run acquire multiple student loans, which pose a significant concern in their future credit problems.
Perkins Loans
Perkins loans offer low-interest loans to help needy students fund for their post secondary education. In a ten-year repayment period, this type of loan holds a fixed interest rate of 5%. The Perkins Loan Program has a nine-month moratorium, so that students could begin repayment in the tenth month upon finishing their degree.
Non-Credit Based Government Loans
Private student loans are intended to make up for federal student loans. But not replacing the latter. Since many students, feel that federal loans aren't sufficient to cover the entire college expenses. Commonly, this is what students choose to obtain in order to sustain their college education.
In summary, if you want your child to go to college but money issues are holding you down. Fortunately, there are now a great selection of student financial aid loans that you can choose from. But before you apply, learn the terms and conditions of such financial solutions before signing up for the student loans application.
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